About us – Gladwev
A company is often seen as a full-time working machine or tool, which is there to serve and protect. To serve its clients as best as possible and to protect its men in the best way possible, by ensuring success and solidarity for those who need and for those who serve.
The words above express not just our belief but our mission, which we have carefully selected through these 3 applicable qualities:
The talent to materialize and properly serve our products depending on customer need and customer satisfaction, the passion to move forward and do better with every product we launch, never repeating or self-indulging ourselves in products that would simply sell, rather than products that would revolutionize the software industry.
Also, the care for our soldiers who fiercely “combust” their passion to produce those daily sparks that capture and define the “why`s” and the ”how`s” of our brand, which takes never-ending shapes to make sure that every each and one of our customers would not just use our software, but have the confidence to recommend and to continuously spread the word.
Most companies abuse terms like: ”free”, “professionalism” “ guaranteed”, or “the best” , while we prove and stands by these term through continuous proof and genuine feedbacks from our clients.
We, at Gladwev, with the help of our ingenious engineers and IT professionals have developed various products, which will help you deal with various troubles and concerns related to item conversions and migrations from one operating system and other mail applications to another. You will be able to witness a fluid, trouble-free process with the help of our products, which will perform their jobs with a very high success rate and efficiency.
Our software will not just take an item a from “x” to a point “y”, the real magic stands in its ability to preserve and recognize every type of item which needs to suffer a conversion or migration process, whether it is: emails, calendars, contact photos, Non-English content or other valuable account information, which you cannot afford loosing.
Our primary concern, as a team of professionals is not to just solve these common issues, but to constantly offer error-free results and have endowed our software with UNIQUE features, which no other program owns or can perform as flawless as our own. Basically, we wanted to offer our public an original, unique way of handling potential problems by solving them quicker and more efficient.
Our software has presented less than 2% of dissatisfaction among our clients, this error percentage has increasingly dropped and is still dropping as we speak, since we constantly update and perfect our products , so that you as a client or potential client can be truly satisfied with outcome.
We are proud to tell you, as a customer that we have helped our ongoing clients to convert over 100,000,000 e-mails so far and the number is constantly increasing.
Customer satisfaction and usage represents our personal card as a growing, professional company, that managed to prove its worth and practicability among people world-wide, who were in need of conversion, migration tools.
We, at Glawev have taken this mission of professional servitude as a goal and statement. We believe and care for our customers, by offering them a 24/7 customer service, in English for now, to better and to resolve their issues and concerns related to us as an organization and to our products nevertheless.
We encourage, everyone who seeks fast, trouble solving software to consult us and we will try and best to be at service and to ultimately satisfy you as a customer, since this is more than a priority to us, it is must.
We also stand by diversity, we have customized all of your software in a way which promotes both personal and business related needs.
For example, we offer licenses for:
- Single User
- Household Usage
- Business Usage
These three categories embrace and reflect the overall needs of our customers, who need to use our software for various purposes, this is why we have divided and offered our programs in a variety range, so that every potential client may relate on a personal or business note with us and our software.
At the end of the day, our words are not as valuable as the soul proof of what we offer you, so we kindly encourage you to take our site for a spin and to test our products for free before the actual purchase.
Yes, we offer you a limited service for free, that is how confident we are in what we create and in who we are.
Enjoy and thank you for considering us as your problem solver and guide!